Michael Hahn, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean
School of Education

Michael Hahn, Ph.D., assistant dean of the school of education, is the current program director of character and virtue education at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. He received a B.A. in Political Science from Saint John’s University, a M.A. in Systematic Theology from Seton Hall University in 2010, a Th.M. in Systematic Theology from Saint John’s School of Theology in 2013, and a Ph.D. in Theology and Education from Boston College in 2019. He has given numerous academic presentations and his writing has appeared in the Journal of Catholic Higher Education, The American Benedictine Review, America, and Commonweal.

Nancy Erickson, M.A.
Associate Program Director
Character and Virtue Education

Nancy Erickson is the associate program director of character and virtue education in the school of education at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. She received a B.A. in Psychology from UCLA and received a M.A. in Education Administration from California State University in Los Angeles. Her passion for education is seen through her experience as a classroom teacher, special education paraprofessional, assistant principal, field placement coordinator, and student teacher supervisor. Her honors include being named Teacher of the Year. Nancy received a fellowship for the M.A. in Character Education at the University of Birmingham (UK). She also serves as a Minnesota State School of Character Evaluator for Character.org.

Diane Moeller
Core Faculty
Education Specialist (Ed.S.)
School of Education

Diane Moeller is a core faculty member in the Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) program in the school of education. Diane is an accomplished educational leader with over thirty years serving in the roles of teacher, principal, superintendent, and an executive director of a special education collaborative. Most recently, she served as the Principal at STRIDE Academy in St. Cloud, MN. Diane brings twenty-nine years of teaching experience at Saint Mary’s as a long-term adjunct instructor. In addition to her teaching and administrative responsibilities in the Ed.S. program, Diane will also direct Saint Mary’s new charter school leadership program launching in the Spring of 2023.